Distinguished Club Program FAQ

  1. Can a member submit two similar level awards for one club if they are working on two different paths?
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  2. Why is a member showing as approved in Base Camp, but their award is not displaying on the dashboard?
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  3. Can a single member's awards contribute to both goals 5 and 6?
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  4. Will the Advanced Leader Silver (ALS) award count towards the DCP after the end of the 2019–2020 program year?
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  5. Will the Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) awards earned in the traditional education program count towards the DCP after the end of the 2019–2020 program year?
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  6. If an award was submitted before the completion of the Level in Base Camp, can the date of the award be changed?
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  7. How do I view a DCP report online?
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  8. Our club met five goals and added 10 new members. Why weren’t we recognized as a Distinguished Club?
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  10. What is the deadline for submitting our officer list?
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  11. We turned in our officer list. Why were we not given credit toward the Distinguished Club Program (DCP)?
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  12. We are a newly chartered club. How do we earn credit for Goal 10 of the DCP?
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  13. How does the club status impact recognition and club business?
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  14. How often are DCP reports updated?
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  15. What is meant by “membership base”?
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  16. What is meant by “membership-to-date”?
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  17. What is meant by “net growth”?
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  18. Are transfer members counted as “new members” in the DCP?
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  19. What is the deadline for submitting membership payments or education awards to be counted in the DCP?
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  20. As a club officer, how can I find the names of members who earned education awards?
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  21. Why has our club not been credited for one of our education awards?
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